A few words about us
Winessential Inc. was founded by Loïc Berthout, vintner, former Officer in the French Army, and aviator… at times.
In France, Loïc’s grandfather made his own wine… His father was a wine and spirit merchant. While Loïc was harvesting grapes in Provence as a teenager, then founding a wine tasting association (In Vino Veritas) at university, he developed a passion for wine that he carried with him when he moved to America in his late 20’s. He nourished dreams and hopes… The rest of the story is in the bottle…
‘’In my world travels, I meet men and women from all walks of life and I am still amazed by the power of wine to transcend social barriers and spread joy around.
This is why also, I created a wine called The French Lieutenant.
If wine is that delicious nectar, it is a celebration of life too, a tradition anchored in history to share, enjoy and remember these precious moments, to make them eternal. The French Lieutenant stands for these essential values: Friendship & Liberty.
This wine was made with the close collaboration of my accomplice Patrice Breton and his Team in Napa Valley.
Many thanks as well to Yves and Olivier.
Special Thanks to my family, my wife Myhanh and my two treasures: Maxime and Kim-Alexandra, you are my true inspiration.
This wine is dedicated to my grandfather Louis who survived WWII and crafted my youth with epic and memorable summers in the countryside.
And to all wine lovers, my friends, current and future…
All the best!‘’